Friday, May 2, 2008

1st day at Daycare Happy boy!

Mmmmm....carrots Caden with Chris and Alex
1st time in a swimming pool...he loved it
On grandpa Larry's motorcycle...he is already smiling
Caden with Uncle Ron

Caden meeting Aunt Michelle for the first time!Caden and Mommy

Caden and Daddy at the ocean!Caden's little man outfit
Caden and his two California great Auntie's

Touching down north of Stillwater...notice the Stillwater water tower in the background

The wall cloud from the front porch of our house

Caden's first trip to the ocean!

4 generations

His Hawaiian out fit

Hello everyone and Happy May! The first day of May was a big day here. Caden started daycare today! Jeremy and I were so nervous. We of course wondered how he would do, if he would adapt ok, and hoped he wouldn't be to upset....He was just fine. It was much harder on us than it was on him! He was just smiling at all the new people and even laughing at one of the girls. When we left, he didn't even bat an eye. Although it was still hard for us to leave him, that sure did make it easier. When we picked him up he was still smiling and the girls said he had a great day. It sure is a weight lifted off our shoulders now. We no longer have to worry about someone calling in sick, or going on vacation etc. Peggy and Kelly have lived with us off and on since January! We really appreciate all they did to help keep Caden healthy. Thank you guys!!! We couldn't have done it without you.
I am sure as some of you heard, a tornado came very close to where we live. I have attached some photos of it as a wall cloud. The photo's of it producing the tornado were actually taken by the director of our hospital from his backyard. He lives about 3 miles from us and the tornado was approximately 1/2 mile from him. A little to close for comfort.
Caden turned 7 months old in April! We can't believe how much he has grown. He has such a great personality now. He thinks Daddy is the funniest person on earth. Jeremy can just look at him and Caden just laughs and laughs. He has found his voice now and LOVES to hear himself.
We started him on solid food last month. It didn't take him very long to catch on. He already has his favorite flavors too. He loves carrots and bananas.
We took a trip out to see my grandma in California in April. We were so glad to see her and she just loved Caden. My sister was able to see him for the first time and successfully spoiled him rotten.
Thanks for checking the blog. We will add more pics as often as possible!


Anonymous said...

Hi all-So glad to hear you are all safe. Amazing storm photos. I can't believe how much Caden has grown. I am so disappointed in not getting to see him and you both. He is growing so fast and is just adorable!! You make a beautiful family. I plan on seeing you soon.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Wow more great photos of Caden and our family, it is fun to see how much he has grown and changed in 7 months! I can't believe how fast the past 7 months has gone. He continues to be so much fun and we are amazed at how much he learns every day! He is a bright spot in our lives and we love him soooooo much! Love and Hugs, Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Larry

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Carey!
We love you and miss you.
Mom and Joseph

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! So glad to hear daycare is going well, I know how hard it is to leave them! How scary are those pictures!!! I would have been freaking out! It was so great to see you all when you came out. I can't believe how cute Caden is, he is such a sweetie.
We love and miss you all!
Cyndi, Ski and Emma

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear Caden is feeling better. Thanks for a wonderful afternoon. It was so good seeing all of you. Can't wait until the next visit!
Love, Mom (Grandma Vickie)

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day, Jeremy. We miss you and love you all lots.
Mom and Joseph