Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 2008

My first Boo Boo
You want me to wear this?!
Big Boy Bathtub
Already taking a bite out of the Sooners!
Look at me...I'm standing!
Wearing Daddy's hat

Naked reading time...?
Love my Teddy
Father's Day
Father's Day
Going Swimming
Father's pool
Sick baby...but still very cute
Mmmmm...dirty sock
Yep, still good
I love my Daddy
I look just like my daddy in this pic
Grandma Vickie
Grandma Vickie and Aunt Jan
First time in high some growing to do
Outside with Mommy & Daddy
Mommy and Daddy's favorite pic
I love Trevor!
Father's Day outfit
Bath time rules!

Daddy and Caden reading a book
I'm too sexy
Mr. Hawaiian tropic

Hello everyone and Happy 4th of July!  Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend.  Jeremy and I are spending time alone this weekend because Caden is at Grandma and Grandpa Cliftons!  We are enjoying our alone time (the first in 9 months), but we miss him so much!  It sounds like he is having a great time.  Yesterday Aunt Jane and Uncle Lynn had a BBQ at their house, which has a pool, and he loved it!  

Caden has met many milestones this month and of course we are so proud.  Did we mention he is a genius? ;)  He learned to hold his bottle on his own, which is great, but one less thing we get to do... cuddle him while he eats.   He started being able to sit up on his own right before fathers day and has now perfected the craft.  He almost never wants to be laying down anymore.  In fact, he can now pull himself up to a standing position using our fingers to help him.  He loves to stand and every time he pulls himself up he gets the biggest grin on his face.   He is also eating solid food now, and has to sit in the high chair to do so.  I think the picture of him in his high chair is so funny, because he looks so small.  He definitely has some growing to do.  He also got his first Boo Boo this week. :(  He was at daycare sitting in a caretakers lap on the floor, when he fell forward and landed on his cheek bone.  He has quite a carpet burn there.  
At the beginning of June, Vickie and Jan came to visit.  They hadn't seen Caden in quite some time, so it was a nice to see them.

We spent Fathers Day at our house.  We had the family over for a BBQ and had a great time.  Jeremy and I both enjoyed having our dads here.  Caden and I got Jeremy and new lawn mower.  Boy did he need it.  He was having to pull the one we had backwards through the yard!  He used it last weekend on the yard and said it works great!  We also  bought Caden a kiddie pool which we used for the first time on fathers day and he LOVED it.  He loves water and was able to get both grandmas and mommy very wet...with the help of daddy!

Jeremy had to go out of town this last week for work, so that left me at home being a single parent.  I was so worried that I would get busy at work and forget to pick Caden up from daycare, but that didn't happen.  Although I was dreading the week, it went surprisingly well.  Kelly and Peggy came up one day and picked Caden up from daycare early and spent the day with him.  He loved seeing them as always.  Jeremy being gone was a great learning experience, but I am glad he is back home. :)

As for my work, all is well.  We are busy as usual, but that does make our days go by fast.  At the end of July we will be making a trip to a wildlife center to examine an Eagle's eye, so that should be interesting.

As you can see from the pictures, Caden is a very busy boy.  He has decided it is very fun to chew on daddy's ball cap.  He has also graduated to a bigger bath tub!  Daddy got him the life jacket that he is not so fond of.  The picture of him with his sock in his mouth...I took his socks off that day because it was so hot out and just laid them beside him.  When I looked back at him, it was in his mouth!  I almost did not get the picture because I was laughing so hard.  He looked at me like he didn't know what I was laughing at!  It is perfectly normal to have a sock hanging out of your mouth! :)

Well, that is all our news for now.  Happy 4th of July to all and God bless the USA!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Caden's Videos

Here are the videos...

My NICU Stay

My First 6 Months

Monday, May 26, 2008

Look at my teeth!

My favorite toy!

Watching Daddy work on the shed
Go Pokes!

Hello! Well, here we are at the end of May, and I am sad to say we have not done a good job at getting pictures this month. I can't believe we did not get a picture of Caden and I on my very first mothers day! We are so disappointed! We did have a great mothers day tho. We spent the day with the Clifton family. We had a BBQ and visited on a beautiful day. My mothers day gift from Jeremy & Caden was two video's they made for me. One is of Caden's birth and the other is a picture video. He knows how to make me a good way. I was so surprised and touched. I will attach both so you can view them.

Caden turned 8 months old May 25th. We are blown away by how fast time flies. It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital! He is growing so fast. On May 17th, he got his first tooth, followed shortly by a second tooth. We can't believe it! He is almost able to sit up on his own too. He is so funny and makes us laugh every day. I have also attached the video of his new growl. He does it when he is happy and almost every time I pick him up from daycare. The girls at the daycare just crack up!
Speaking of daycare, Caden is doing great. He seems to like the social interactions with the other babies. He did however get his first ear infection and virus last week. He was on some antibiotics and a decongestant. It was bound to happen, although we were a little surprised at how fast it happened. He has almost made a full recovery except for a little runny nose.

Jeremy and his friend have been working on building a shed in our back yard. It is mostly finished, just needs a little trim and some paint. Jeremy is so happy. Our garage was over full with yard equipment and will be nice to have a clean garage again.

That's all for now. Hope everyone had a safe holiday. Thank you to all of our troops and fallen hero's on this Memorial day. We pray for those currently fighting for our freedom.

Friday, May 2, 2008

1st day at Daycare Happy boy!

Mmmmm....carrots Caden with Chris and Alex
1st time in a swimming pool...he loved it
On grandpa Larry's motorcycle...he is already smiling
Caden with Uncle Ron

Caden meeting Aunt Michelle for the first time!Caden and Mommy

Caden and Daddy at the ocean!Caden's little man outfit
Caden and his two California great Auntie's

Touching down north of Stillwater...notice the Stillwater water tower in the background

The wall cloud from the front porch of our house

Caden's first trip to the ocean!

4 generations

His Hawaiian out fit

Hello everyone and Happy May! The first day of May was a big day here. Caden started daycare today! Jeremy and I were so nervous. We of course wondered how he would do, if he would adapt ok, and hoped he wouldn't be to upset....He was just fine. It was much harder on us than it was on him! He was just smiling at all the new people and even laughing at one of the girls. When we left, he didn't even bat an eye. Although it was still hard for us to leave him, that sure did make it easier. When we picked him up he was still smiling and the girls said he had a great day. It sure is a weight lifted off our shoulders now. We no longer have to worry about someone calling in sick, or going on vacation etc. Peggy and Kelly have lived with us off and on since January! We really appreciate all they did to help keep Caden healthy. Thank you guys!!! We couldn't have done it without you.
I am sure as some of you heard, a tornado came very close to where we live. I have attached some photos of it as a wall cloud. The photo's of it producing the tornado were actually taken by the director of our hospital from his backyard. He lives about 3 miles from us and the tornado was approximately 1/2 mile from him. A little to close for comfort.
Caden turned 7 months old in April! We can't believe how much he has grown. He has such a great personality now. He thinks Daddy is the funniest person on earth. Jeremy can just look at him and Caden just laughs and laughs. He has found his voice now and LOVES to hear himself.
We started him on solid food last month. It didn't take him very long to catch on. He already has his favorite flavors too. He loves carrots and bananas.
We took a trip out to see my grandma in California in April. We were so glad to see her and she just loved Caden. My sister was able to see him for the first time and successfully spoiled him rotten.
Thanks for checking the blog. We will add more pics as often as possible!