Saturday, May 31, 2008

Caden's Videos

Here are the videos...

My NICU Stay

My First 6 Months

Monday, May 26, 2008

Look at my teeth!

My favorite toy!

Watching Daddy work on the shed
Go Pokes!

Hello! Well, here we are at the end of May, and I am sad to say we have not done a good job at getting pictures this month. I can't believe we did not get a picture of Caden and I on my very first mothers day! We are so disappointed! We did have a great mothers day tho. We spent the day with the Clifton family. We had a BBQ and visited on a beautiful day. My mothers day gift from Jeremy & Caden was two video's they made for me. One is of Caden's birth and the other is a picture video. He knows how to make me a good way. I was so surprised and touched. I will attach both so you can view them.

Caden turned 8 months old May 25th. We are blown away by how fast time flies. It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital! He is growing so fast. On May 17th, he got his first tooth, followed shortly by a second tooth. We can't believe it! He is almost able to sit up on his own too. He is so funny and makes us laugh every day. I have also attached the video of his new growl. He does it when he is happy and almost every time I pick him up from daycare. The girls at the daycare just crack up!
Speaking of daycare, Caden is doing great. He seems to like the social interactions with the other babies. He did however get his first ear infection and virus last week. He was on some antibiotics and a decongestant. It was bound to happen, although we were a little surprised at how fast it happened. He has almost made a full recovery except for a little runny nose.

Jeremy and his friend have been working on building a shed in our back yard. It is mostly finished, just needs a little trim and some paint. Jeremy is so happy. Our garage was over full with yard equipment and will be nice to have a clean garage again.

That's all for now. Hope everyone had a safe holiday. Thank you to all of our troops and fallen hero's on this Memorial day. We pray for those currently fighting for our freedom.