Sunday, March 9, 2008

Happy March everyone! This month has been very stressful already. Our babysitter up and quit on us last week and we are in a desperate search for someone new. We may have to put Caden in daycare earlier than we had hoped. Grandparents are coming to the rescue again this week. I am not sure what we would do without them.

Caden is getting to the point where he would rather be sitting up than laying down. We got him a play gym last night and he loves it. He can't quite touch the ground so we added a pad underneath. Now he can move it all around. It lights up and he loves light up things! It keeps him content for a while at least!

In one of the pictures, Caden is being held by Peggy. Peggy and Kelly just got a new high def TV and Caden loves it. You will notice in the picture that Caden is just staring at it. He was cracking us up! My mom came and stayed with us on Presidents day and kept Caden all day. We really enjoyed having her here. I added a picture of Trevor too. He has learned to keep himself entertained.

He is smiling all the time now and laughs occasionally. He is such a good baby. His last weight was 13 1/2 pounds! We met a 4 month old at Wal-mart and she weighed 14 pounds. Caden has almost caught up! We are so proud of him.

We will update again as soon as possible. Happy Birthday to Peggy and Kelly! We hope everyone has a Happy Easter!