Saturday, January 26, 2008

January Update

Hello everyone! I sure hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a great new year. January has been a very busy month for us. I started back to work January 2nd. What a hard day that was. Peggy and Kelly came to stay with Caden for the week, just to ease me in. The second week of January, my mom stayed with Caden. That same week, my nephew Chris came to visit from California. He stayed several days and really enjoyed his time with Caden. The third week of January, Peggy and Kelly came again. It has been so wonderful having them and my mom here to help us out. It has made going back to work so much easier for me. Leaving Caden with a sitter will be very hard. Caden was supposed to start staying with a lady we met through our neighbor on the 22nd, but her son got RSV that week. RSV is the virus we are so worried about Caden getting. The doctor says if Caden gets it, because he was a preemie, he would probably end up in the hospital. So luckily, Peggy and Kelly were able to stay again last week and will be here next week to just to make sure everyone is healthy before he goes over there.
Caden is doing so well. He changes everyday and gets cutier every day too! Last Saturday, we decided that he had outgrown his bassinet, so we moved him to his crib. He made the adjustment with no problem. We also started supplementing with formula as my milk supply has dropped since returning to work. He gets 1/2 breast milk and 1/2 formula and he is doing great on it. We were a little worried that it may exasperate the reflux, but so far he is doing just fine. He is smiling all the time now and his favorite time to coo and smile is when we change his diaper. He will lay there forever just talking and smiling. Needless to say, that is my favorite time too. His other favorite thing to do is to play on his play mat. He is now reaching for the toys and even grabs hold some times! As you can see in the pictures, he is now able to hold his head and chest up off the floor. The therapist who visits once a month to help make sure he is progressing as he should (since he was early) says he is ahead of schedule. She thinks he is doing extremely well for his adjusted age. Music to Mommy and Daddy's ears!
Caden watched his first OU bowl game with daddy. Mommy even let him wear an OU outfit! Daddy tried to teach Caden how to make the OU sign with his arms, but they were not long enough to get around his head! :) He started crying too. Mommy thinks that is a sign that he would rather be a OSU fan!
We hope you have a wonderful February and hope to hear from you soon! We thank God everyday for our wonderful family. A special thanks to Peggy, Kelly, and my mom for taking time out of there lives to help with Caden. You guys are so wonderful and we love you so much!


Anonymous said...

Happy 4th month birthday Caden!!!! Wow our boy is growing and changing so fast, he is amazing. The January pictures are so adorable and what a beautiful, healthy boy! We are so happy Caden is doing so well and can't believe he is 4 months old already!
We are so proud of his parents they are so cute with their new son and love him so much. Thank you to Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Kelly for their devotion to Caden by volunterring their time to stay with Caden until he can go to the babysitter. Caden is lucky to have such caring grandparents. We love you Caden Joe and can't wait to see you again. All our love, Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Larry 1-27-08

Anonymous said...

What precious pictures! Thank you for the update. Its great to hear and see how well he's doing! The picture of Aunt Nancy holding Caden reminds me so much of my Mom holding Emma when she was newborn!! Priceless!! Glad to hear you've had help while you went back to work Carey! It is a difficult transition for sure. But it does get easier, day by day. Caden will enjoy being around other babies and toddlers.
I can't believe he's 4 mos already. Time flies! Take care you guys. We love you all!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful pictures! Caden has grown so much and is so beautiful. It's great to know all of you are doing so well. It's such a blessing to know he has such wonderful grandparents to be there for him and you. Can't wait to see all of you again.
Love, Grandma Vickie and Joseph

Ron, Lydia, Wink & LuLu said...

Thank you so much for the new pictures and update on our beautiful baby boy Caden!! He is growing so fast and looks more like his Mommy every day!! (Sorry Jeremy) I am happy he is doing so well, and is indeed a lucky boy to have such loving and devoted parents and grandparents! We love you Caden!!